- P -
Pan Center for the Arts: The Arts building at Equinox. Its hallways are lined with the work of its students.
Paria Lynethia: (PA ree ah lie NETH ee ah): A woman from Copperwood noted for her gift for musical and lyrical composition. Her husband, Werdan, was a rebel informant. She has two sons, Esa and Theris.
Paul Withers (Sheriff): Sheriff of the human town of Whitehall. Kyle Withers' father.
Phaethusa: (FAY uh THOO sah) In Greek mythology, the daughter of Helios. She embodies the rays of the sun. In Elf Mastery she is Aspen's Tree Singing instructor. Though she works on Earth she lives on the sun with her sister Lampetia.
Phaskes: (FASS keez) One of the Ophilim rebels serving under Bremnos.
Philosthenes Nim: (fil OSS thuh neez) Often referred to as Phil. Kyla's father. A kind and gentle man, he makes and sells shoes for a living. Though he owns a small shop, his village of Aspengrove does not provide a large market so he frequently travels to carry his wares to other towns. As the coach service is infrequent he often travels by foot, and so has remarkable endurance for his age.
Phlogiston: (FLOE jiss tun) The largest and most powerful of the infernal realms. Ruled by the demon Lord Sventali.
Piao: (PYOW) A ciguapa soldier in the Tribe of the Fire God.
Pixie: The origins of pixie mythology seems uncertain but is perhaps Celtic. Often perceived as small, poorly dressed, and playful or childlike. In modern times pixies are often used interchangeably with fairies. In Elf Mastery, they are winged as are fairies (contrary to older representations, in which pixies have no wings). Due to their similar skill sets fairies and pixies are often found in similar fields of employment, yet the two groups consider themselves quite different and are actually rivals. Fairy and pixie communities seldom intermingle, though their interactions are typically civil. There have been several notable wars between the two groups throughout history.
Pois: (PO iss) A Royal Seer, mentioned by name but otherwise not in the story.
Port Kess: A large maritime city-state and center of trade and commerce.
Portal: A magical gateway that leads to another portal, so great distances can be traversed in a single step. Portals can be connected by entering a code, allowing a single portal to potentially connect to any other portal. Similar in design to the ones in the TV show Stargate. Most government sites are equipped with a portal.
Proving Grounds: A large open field at Equinox used for combat training.
Pulka: (PULL ka) A porcine barge steersman who transports goods along the Laion River.
Paria Lynethia: (PA ree ah lie NETH ee ah): A woman from Copperwood noted for her gift for musical and lyrical composition. Her husband, Werdan, was a rebel informant. She has two sons, Esa and Theris.
Paul Withers (Sheriff): Sheriff of the human town of Whitehall. Kyle Withers' father.
Phaethusa: (FAY uh THOO sah) In Greek mythology, the daughter of Helios. She embodies the rays of the sun. In Elf Mastery she is Aspen's Tree Singing instructor. Though she works on Earth she lives on the sun with her sister Lampetia.
Phaskes: (FASS keez) One of the Ophilim rebels serving under Bremnos.
Philosthenes Nim: (fil OSS thuh neez) Often referred to as Phil. Kyla's father. A kind and gentle man, he makes and sells shoes for a living. Though he owns a small shop, his village of Aspengrove does not provide a large market so he frequently travels to carry his wares to other towns. As the coach service is infrequent he often travels by foot, and so has remarkable endurance for his age.
Phlogiston: (FLOE jiss tun) The largest and most powerful of the infernal realms. Ruled by the demon Lord Sventali.
Piao: (PYOW) A ciguapa soldier in the Tribe of the Fire God.
Pixie: The origins of pixie mythology seems uncertain but is perhaps Celtic. Often perceived as small, poorly dressed, and playful or childlike. In modern times pixies are often used interchangeably with fairies. In Elf Mastery, they are winged as are fairies (contrary to older representations, in which pixies have no wings). Due to their similar skill sets fairies and pixies are often found in similar fields of employment, yet the two groups consider themselves quite different and are actually rivals. Fairy and pixie communities seldom intermingle, though their interactions are typically civil. There have been several notable wars between the two groups throughout history.
Pois: (PO iss) A Royal Seer, mentioned by name but otherwise not in the story.
Port Kess: A large maritime city-state and center of trade and commerce.
Portal: A magical gateway that leads to another portal, so great distances can be traversed in a single step. Portals can be connected by entering a code, allowing a single portal to potentially connect to any other portal. Similar in design to the ones in the TV show Stargate. Most government sites are equipped with a portal.
Proving Grounds: A large open field at Equinox used for combat training.
Pulka: (PULL ka) A porcine barge steersman who transports goods along the Laion River.
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