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Baku: Baku are spirits from Japanese mythology that in turn derived from China. Benevolent, they protect from pestilence and consume nightmares. The form of the baku in Elf Doubt is based on a painting by Katsushika Hosukai, probably around the beginning of the 19th century. Traditionally made from several animal parts (eye of ox, paws of tiger, etc), the baku in Elf Doubt are simplified to being a cross of an elephant and a koala. Myam can view the dreams the baku visit before they are consumed and thus uses the spirits to spy.
Ballad of Kinsel King, The: A famously long oral history in the form of a song devoted to Kinsel King. The details of Kinsel King's exploits are laughably exaggerated in the ballad, though his courage and legacy are respected among all races.
Basilisk: In European lore the basilisk takes varied forms, from a serpent to a reptilian-like rooster (similar to a cockatrice). Common to most tales is the basilisk's deadly venom, and most describe the shape of a diadem or crown on its head. In Elf Mastery the appearance of the basilisk has not been described, but Kyla did opt not to take a class that involved training them.
Bitternut Nim: Commonly referred to as Bit. Kyla's younger brother by four years, and the only son and youngest child of Philosthenes and Lianaria. As Kyla has gone to Equinox to determine her future career, the family expectation has fallen to Bit to apprentice with his father. While Kyla gives her brother a hard time, she cares for him deeply, though she feels their relationship has soured since he hit puberty and became quiet and sullen. He has recently taken a more active interest in learning the family trade of making and selling shoes.
Bloodwar of Ky: A long war led by the centaur Ky Montel against a neighboring (and now extinct) nation of minotaurs and harpies. As these two armies were among the largest and most powerful in the World of Order, their bloodshed was considered a terrible waste by the other armies who fought the followers of Chaos. In fact, the participants were so vindictive that Momus was able to convince the minotaur and harpy alliance to join the forces of Chaos in exchange for his service in defeating Ky Montel. However, Ky was able to use a magical staff to temporarily destroy Momus, and the horrified enemy army was slaughtered as they retreated. The legendary staff is now commonly known in history books as the Disruptor of Momus.
Bog: An ogre. He is part of a bandit group that accosts Kyla and Herleif in Elf Doubt.
Boundary of Gan: A magical field surrounding the throne room in High Haven that can be activated to prevent vision and sound from passing out of the chamber.
Brandon Thompson: A human police officer who encounters Kyla in a series of increasingly peculiar circumstances during the events of Elf Righteous.
Bremnos Aviremn (Taxiarch): (BREM nos * ah VEE rem) An officer from the Kulgoth clan of minotaurs. Bremnos is a well-seasoned and battle-scarred warrior who has recently been promoted off the field of battle. Though the Kulgoth matriarch wished for Bremnos to remain and command her armies, she was overruled by King Oberon who requested his service as a functionary in the Royal Army. The matriarch uncharacteristically agreed, making some wonder whether she was deferring to the King or was paid to acquiesce.
Brownie: In Scottish and English folklore, brownies are diminutive elf or fairy-like creatures that sometimes live in people's homes and do services and chores in exchange for food. In Elf Mastery, there is a brownie in Saul's Engineering class. Though he is unnamed, he is a small, timid individual who offends Kyla by misjudging her gender.
Burburt: A leprechaun that Kyla meets at the New Student Orientation. He is a bit jumpy due to the number of people who have tried to capture him to claim his gold, though he in fact claims to be rather poor and wishes to take Alchemy so he can make his own gold.
Ballad of Kinsel King, The: A famously long oral history in the form of a song devoted to Kinsel King. The details of Kinsel King's exploits are laughably exaggerated in the ballad, though his courage and legacy are respected among all races.
Basilisk: In European lore the basilisk takes varied forms, from a serpent to a reptilian-like rooster (similar to a cockatrice). Common to most tales is the basilisk's deadly venom, and most describe the shape of a diadem or crown on its head. In Elf Mastery the appearance of the basilisk has not been described, but Kyla did opt not to take a class that involved training them.
Bitternut Nim: Commonly referred to as Bit. Kyla's younger brother by four years, and the only son and youngest child of Philosthenes and Lianaria. As Kyla has gone to Equinox to determine her future career, the family expectation has fallen to Bit to apprentice with his father. While Kyla gives her brother a hard time, she cares for him deeply, though she feels their relationship has soured since he hit puberty and became quiet and sullen. He has recently taken a more active interest in learning the family trade of making and selling shoes.
Bloodwar of Ky: A long war led by the centaur Ky Montel against a neighboring (and now extinct) nation of minotaurs and harpies. As these two armies were among the largest and most powerful in the World of Order, their bloodshed was considered a terrible waste by the other armies who fought the followers of Chaos. In fact, the participants were so vindictive that Momus was able to convince the minotaur and harpy alliance to join the forces of Chaos in exchange for his service in defeating Ky Montel. However, Ky was able to use a magical staff to temporarily destroy Momus, and the horrified enemy army was slaughtered as they retreated. The legendary staff is now commonly known in history books as the Disruptor of Momus.
Bog: An ogre. He is part of a bandit group that accosts Kyla and Herleif in Elf Doubt.
Boundary of Gan: A magical field surrounding the throne room in High Haven that can be activated to prevent vision and sound from passing out of the chamber.
Brandon Thompson: A human police officer who encounters Kyla in a series of increasingly peculiar circumstances during the events of Elf Righteous.
Bremnos Aviremn (Taxiarch): (BREM nos * ah VEE rem) An officer from the Kulgoth clan of minotaurs. Bremnos is a well-seasoned and battle-scarred warrior who has recently been promoted off the field of battle. Though the Kulgoth matriarch wished for Bremnos to remain and command her armies, she was overruled by King Oberon who requested his service as a functionary in the Royal Army. The matriarch uncharacteristically agreed, making some wonder whether she was deferring to the King or was paid to acquiesce.
Brownie: In Scottish and English folklore, brownies are diminutive elf or fairy-like creatures that sometimes live in people's homes and do services and chores in exchange for food. In Elf Mastery, there is a brownie in Saul's Engineering class. Though he is unnamed, he is a small, timid individual who offends Kyla by misjudging her gender.
Burburt: A leprechaun that Kyla meets at the New Student Orientation. He is a bit jumpy due to the number of people who have tried to capture him to claim his gold, though he in fact claims to be rather poor and wishes to take Alchemy so he can make his own gold.
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