It has been brought to my attention that my book may need a glossary to help explain the various creatures, as not all readers are familiar with the various mythological sources or contemporary fantasy tropes included in Elf Mastery. In addition, I thought it would be helpful to assist with character name pronunciations, keeping characters straight, and adding details that weren't included.
Some elements of the story are unique to it and some are drawn from various mythologies. If an entry is based on another source, such as real-world mythology, I will briefly explain the original source and then elaborate on any changes made for the world of Elf Mastery.
Some words in the descriptions will be highlighted red. This means the word has its own entry in the glossary.
Some elements of the story are unique to it and some are drawn from various mythologies. If an entry is based on another source, such as real-world mythology, I will briefly explain the original source and then elaborate on any changes made for the world of Elf Mastery.
Some words in the descriptions will be highlighted red. This means the word has its own entry in the glossary.